Archive for vietnam

The Bureaucracy of the VA Deserves a Special Place in Hell

Posted in agent orange, Veterans Administration, vietnam with tags , , , on March 1, 2010 by ChasingSky

a drawing i found in his files...unit badge

Strong words but that’s how I feel. Every time that I think I am beginning to heal and move past the hell of my  brother’s traumatic death and terminal illness…caused by exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam…they come along and make me jump through another hoop in their endless obstacle course to settle his case. A case which he, nor I, nor any family member ever asked for. A case that they assigned to his death,presenting benefits and funeral expenses to be paid to his survivor. If it was up to me I would never have any contact with them… but my 86 year old mother feels that the sacrifice of her son’s life deserves that the VA lives up to their obligations. I won’t let her go through the emotional turmoil of their bullshit. I have been dealing with it since his diagnosis, during his terminal illness and death…and it continues on…keeping wounds open and fresh. How the hell am I ever supposed to heal? They won’t let me and I hate them for that.

drawing my brother did in vietnam..don't know who she was

Catharsis for Jan #8

Posted in Life, mental illness, Ramblings, vietnam with tags , , , on January 4, 2010 by ChasingSky


The Letter

Posted in Life, Ramblings, vietnam with tags , , on December 6, 2009 by ChasingSky

the letter