Archive for the whimsy Category

Things You Should Do In Stilettos

Posted in humor, Ramblings, Uncategorized, whimsy, writing with tags , , on March 27, 2010 by ChasingSky

Walk two miles. Step on a spider. Chase a child. Out run someone you don’t want to talk to. Run down someone you do want to talk to. Kick someone who gets too close. Kick someone who doesn’t get close enough.


Cook a gourmet meal. Order take-out. Get married. Get divorced. Go on a date. Go out with the girls. Walk the dog. Ride a horse. Take a bath. Be filthy. Shop ’til you drop. Stand in line. Sit on your ass. Look pretty. Visit your Grandma.


Steal a man. Sing a song. Read a book. Go to the Doctor. Visit the sick. Make prank phone calls. Call a friend. See a show. Film a documentary. Move. Fly a kite. Go to Starbucks. Drink wine. Dance a jig. Blow bubbles. Swim. Ride a bike. Wish on a star. Save the planet. Break a heart. Kiss a frog. Talk dirty. Be nice. Make mudpies. Vacuum. Bake cupcakes. Eat a popsicle. Go to bed. Wake up in them. Smile.