Archive for the mythology Category

Screaming Like a Banshee

Posted in mythology, writing with tags , on March 4, 2010 by ChasingSky

We’ve all heard the expression “Screaming like a Banshee”. Ever wonder what a Banshee is? Well…I did…here’s what I found out…including why it’s so much better to be an Irish Banshee instead of a Scottish one.

Irish Banshees

Known as the “woman of the fairy mounds” in Irish mythology they are a female spirit that can either signify an omen of death or be a messenger from the other world. Theosophists acquaint them to pre-christian gaelic deities that survived the transition into Christianity and commonly refer to them as fallen angels. Irish folklore believed that they only appeared to the 5 major families of Ireland…The O’Neills, O’Briens, O’Connors, O’Gradys, and the Kavanaghs…as warning of an impending death in the family. Their mourning wails, usually heard at night…whenever someone was about to die…could be either piercingly high… enough to shatter glass… or as a low and pleasant singing.

They most often appeared as an ugly frightening hag but sometimes 

as a beautiful woman, hooded crow, hare or weasel.When more than one Banshee appeared at a time it indicated the death of someone great or holy.

Sometimes they were seen brushing their long hair with a silver comb. Superstition in Ireland still holds that if you ever see a comb on the ground do not pick it up…it could be the trick of a Banshee…trying to steal your spirit before it’s time.


Scottish Banshees

In Scotland Banshees appear more frequently near rivers as “Bean Sidhe” or  “washer woman”…washing the clothes or bloody armor of a person facing impending death. Unlike the Irish who believe there can be no intervention the Scottish believe that there can be. In Scottish mythology the Banshee’s appearance is old and ugly…with extremely long and sagging breasts…so long that they interfere with her work…making it necessary for her to fling them over her shoulders so that they hang down her back. Scottish folklore suggests that if a person sneaks up behind them and begins nursing from one of the breasts it will create a bond and require the Banshee to give them the name of the person facing death. If it’s an enemy you can walk away and leave their fate in the Banshee’s hands…if it’s a friend or family…you can order the death “stopped” and the Banshee must obey.

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