Archive for the death row Category

Comfort Food on Death Row

Posted in death row, food, last meals with tags , , on January 8, 2010 by ChasingSky

In looking for something to watch on the tube tonight I came across the 2003 movie “The Life of David Gale”. Awesome movie. Why I haven’t watched it before now is a mystery other than to say I am always behind on movies. If you haven’t seen it, unlikely I know, but you need to watch it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars. There is a scene in the movie where David Gale is brought his last meal prior to his execution. **SEMI-SPOILER ALERT** He orders his young son’s favorite breakfast of pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries and chocolate shavings. That started me thinking….wondering about other people’s requested last meals. Here are some of the more interesting ones that I found courtesy of : and .


Ted Bundy, serial killer: conflicting reports of no meal requested and steak,fried eggs, hashbrown and coffee.

Timothy McVeigh,Oklahoma Bombing: 2 pints of mint chocolate chip icecream.(PETA corresponded with Mcveigh prior to his execution and begged him to choose a “meatless” last meal–seriously–not a joke)

Aileen Wuornos, serial killer: no special meal. chose a hamburger and other snacks from the prison canteen.

John Allen Muhammad,Beltway Sniper: chicken with red sauce and strawberry cake.

Danny Rollings,AKA Gainesville Ripper: lobster tail, butterfly shrimp, baked potato, strawberry cheesecake and sweet tea.

Not Famous

Bobby Glen Walker,multiple murders: 2 dozen jumbo fried shrimp with tartar sauce and ketchup, 2 large orders of onion rings and fries, 1 raw onion,6 pieces of garlic bread, 2 cold 32oz cokes, 2 large strawberry milkshakes. He requested that prison personnel be allowed to join his feast but request was denied. He also requested a conjugal visit with a woman who had served as a juror on one of his trials. That request was also denied.

Farley C. Matchett,heinous murder: 4 olives and 1 bottle of wild-berry flavored water.

Mauriceo M. Brown,murder & robbery: 15 enchiladas with extra cheese and onions, onion rings, 8 pieces of fried chicken, 8 pieces of BBQ chicken, 8 whole peppers, 10 hard shell tacos with extra meat/cheese/onions and sauce,4 double bacon cheeseburgers with double meat and double bacon, a boneless t-bone steak with A1 sauce and a whole pan of peach cobbler. He reportedly finished the entire meal.

Perrie D. Simpson,brutal murder: a mcrib sandwich from Mcdonalds, a double cheeseburger from Wendy’s, macaroni and cheese, cheesecake and a pepsi.

Gilberto Reyes,rape & murder: BBQ turkey leg, BBQ brisket, a bowl of cheddar cheese, a bowl of avacodos.

Robert C. Comer, murder/rape/kidnapping: fried okra, 4 hamburger buns with a lot of butter and salt, 2 slices of banana bread.

Phillip R. Workman,murder of police officer: requested that a vegetarian pizza be donated to a homeless person. The request was denied. The story went public and more than 170 pizzas were purchased and donated to the Nashville Union Rescue by individuals.

Johnathan B Moore,murder of a police officer: kraft macaroni and cheese and beef flavored rice-a-roni.

This is only a small sampling.By far the most popular item seen on many of the menus I reviewed was steak and baked potato.