Archive for October, 2010

Romance and the Complicated Chick

Posted in love, romance, Uncategorized with tags , on October 14, 2010 by ChasingSky

Romance. A 7 letter word that packs a powerful punch. Regardless of what we say… we’re female…and we want it. If you’re a male then chances are you might be living in the dark ages about what’s romantic and what’s not. If you’re romancing modern day June Cleavers, Betty Crockers, or a traditional type female then you’re probably okay sticking with the typical cliche scenarios. If you’re smitten with a complicated chick….then I’m here to help you. On behalf of myself and complicated chicks everywhere…listen and learn.

Get in touch with your EMO side. Get in touch with your EMO side. Get in touch with your EMO side. There..said it three times because it’s important. No…you don’t have to dress EMO…although, if you can pull it off … GO FOR IT. There are a million EMO websites,songs…read the $h!t these guys write for their girls. Did you get that?…WRITE…as in LOVE LETTERS/LOVE SONGS. No… you don’t have to get out the pen and paper if you’re too lazy…e-mail,private notes,even blogs are acceptable in today’s world… not quite as romantic but better than nothing.

ROMANTIC OR NOT (Keeping it simple for you)

Roses on an anniversary = NOT.  A wildflower bouquet for NO reason = YES. (if none grow where you are/it’s winter…you can buy them practically everywhere now)

Dinner reservations for the Valentine Package at an area restaraunt = NOT. Bringing home that can of paint she’s been wanting with her favorite bottle of wine and a pizza with the intentions of  seducing her down off that ladder = YES.

Surprising her with bubblebath = NOT. Surprising her by JOINING HER IN A  BUBBLEBATH = YES. (especially if you get in fully dressed..oo-la-la)

Grabbing her a$$ = NOT. (except for sometimes…) Randomly walking up and unexpectedly hugging her from behind = YES.

Spending 100% of your time with her = NOT. Wanting to spend as much time with her as you can = YES.

ONLY texting her to remind her to do something = NOT. Randomly texting her to say you can’t stop thinking about her = YES.

Spending time together doing all the things you love = NOT. Spending time together doing the things you both love = YES. (remember–it’s okay to have time apart to enjoy other things..and don’t forget your friends)

Obnoxious unwarranted jealousy = NOT. Rational non-violent jealousy = YES. (but only if you express those feelings to her so she doesn’t think you’re just pouting)

Responding to her attempts at conversation with “Yeah” and “Uhmmm” = NOT. Not being scared to have deep conversations or just talk about anything into all hours of the night = YES.

 Bottom line…if you want that complicated chick…then you can’t be scared to….get complicated. Too much work? Stick with the Carol Bradys of the world.